Our Mission
Creating Freedom & Self Efficacy Through Safe, Collaborative, and Empowering Services

Mission Statement
At Prism Counseling & Advocacy, we create freedom for *2SLGBTQIA+ people through transparent, affirming, safe, and harm-reduction focused service provision.
Our values of safety and liberation create a world where living authentically and access to resources is possible for every person in our community.
We create self-efficacy through empowerment & collaboration.
We believe affordable mental health care is a fundamental right.
Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles
All people should have the freedom and resources to determine who they are and have self-efficacy.
Safety, liberation, and empowerment are the cornerstones of clinical practice.
Community is imperative
to healing.
Power is to be shared and held by the people
Dismantling structures that harm clients is a non-negotiable part of our work.
Staff are accountable, transparent, and responsible in their use of power.
Decolonization and anti-imperialism drive the liberation of marginalized people.
Provision of affirming and comprehensive care is the forefront of the mission.
Intentionalism and self-awareness are critical to good therapy.
Collaboration and feedback promote growth.
All staff honor confidentiality and maintain their skills through continued education.
Love, healing, and transformative justice are the soul of the agency.
Prism's Philosophy
Since 2000, Prism Counseling & Advocacy has worked to understand the deep disparities in care afforded to two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/nonbinary, queer, intersex, and asexual/aromantic (*2SLGBTQIA+) folx, along with the devastating rates of substance use, suicide and non-suicidal self-injury, and domestic abuse the community endures. Prism's core belief is that comprehensive, accessible, and culturally appropriate mental and physical health care are provided to *2SLGBTQIA+ people, families, and communities throughout the state of New York.
Prism is committed to the dissolution of barriers between the established healthcare delivery system and the disenfranchised community of sexual minorities. Prism is dedicated to achieving this mission through the establishment of direct provision of social and clinical services for *2SLGBTQIA+ people based on their empowerment as consumers, and the continuing education, advocacy, and collaboration with mainstream providers, organizations, and agencies serving queer communities. These populations include, but are not limited to, *2SLGBTQIA+ people living with mental health challenges and addictions, people of color, people with disabilities, and queer parents.
At Prism, we provide integrated treatment that addresses substance use and mental health needs and coordinate primary health care services by referral. We provide a full continuum of care and services, which include individual, group, and family services. Prism employs an array of skilled clinicians to provide services. This diverse team of professionals helps guide programming and the development of services for the individuals that choose Prism. Our employees are the soul of the agency and, as such, are treated with the same level of dignity and respect as our clients. Prism employees are role models for one another and all individuals receiving services and support from the agency. Prism employees are individuals of integrity and have a great deal of pride in the work that they do and provide the highest standards of informed care and are committed to promoting long lasting systemic change. The hard work and dedication of Prism employees is a proven pride and pillar for this community. We take great pride in the work that we do with our clients and the community at large.
We are committed to improving the lives of our clients by:
Educating and training health and human service providers
Dissolving barriers between the healthcare delivery system and the disenfranchised community of sexual minorities
Development of supportive programs that are inclusive
Advocacy and campaigning for the rights of *2SLGBTQIA+ people of color, people with disabilities, rural populations, and parents
Empowerment of *2SLGBTQIA+ consumers and advocates
Prism Counseling & Advocacy works diligently to incorporate decolonized, anti-capitalist, trauma-informed, restorative justice focused, strength-based models of care which recognize each clients’ unique needs and the impact of multiple marginalized identities on their story. This work can inspire a person to realize their self-worth and promote a culture of healing, no matter what the journey may look like. We are dedicated to implementing individualized, evidence-based practices that acknowledge the clients’ readiness for change and what is important to them. We welcome and encourage the collaboration with family members and other community providers to ensure the most effective treatment experience for each client and believe in community healing as a cornerstone for individual growth.